Our Firm
Sechman Financial Services is built on the conviction that we are tasked with the responsibility to help you make the best possible financial decisions and we pride ourselves on acting with the utmost integrity for its clients.
In the 1980’s Harry Sechman continually met with individuals and couples on the brink of retirement with little or no planning…no course, no direction for a time of life so full of possibilities. In 1989, determined to encourage retirement dreams and direct the working public towards successful and rewarding retirements, H. E. Sechman Retirement Planning was established. The Firm was started to help clients decide when to retire, structure their income for a fulfilling retirement, invest their assets to support a lifetime plan, and maintain independence later in life.
Beginning in 1990, the Firm began to help businesses with their company sponsored retirement plans, including 401k, SIMPLE IRA, and SEP IRA plans.
As the Firm grew, our clients’ needs changed as well. Throughout the 1990’s H. E. Sechman Retirement Planning began to offer more comprehensive planning services for people at all stages of life. Then, in 1998, the Firm began the practice of helping families with special needs children.
Harry began offering fee-based planning in 2007, in addition to the traditional relationship, for those clients who wish to pay out of pocket for a financial plan.
In 2008, Eric Sechman joined the firm after working at another large financial services company making H. E. Sechman Retirement Planning a true family business.
In 2021, we changed the name of the firm to Sechman Financial Services to better reflect the broader range of services we provide and the various clients we represent.
The Firm’s services include a Notary Public and a referral network of professionals such as attorneys and CPAs.